The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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The Wonderful World of Eamon is a creation by Donald Brown
of Golden Colorado. None of this would exist without his talents
in creating the Wonderful World of Eamon for the Apple II (Apple
inc.) computer.
The reasons for his turning this wonderful system over to public
distribution is unknown but deeply appreciated by many loyal
Eamon fans. My reasons for turning this system in an MS-dos
(Microsoft inc.) systems partly is for the love of Role
playing games and a deep respect for this system. It is a
well thought out and usable system for any computer if we
merely care to take the time to transfer it.
I wish to thank Mr. Brown for creating this game, Gene for
introducing me to it, Mike for his unwavering faith and smart
remarks, and my parents for their support and patience.
Most of the following text describing Eamon came from the
original dungeon designer disk written by Donald Brown.
NOW...LET THE GAMES BEGIN (gee.. I always wanted to say that!)
By the way, most of the names that sound like computer companies
and have capital letters are, and the various respects to their
names and products are hereby acknowledged and with deepest
respects we bow to them in thanks for their support of the
<Extended cheering and applause from the audience during deep
bow, please.>
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Eamon, created by Donald Brown
and converted to MS-dos (Microsoft corp.) by Jon Walker
Eamon is a computerized version of what are called "fantasy
role-playing games." When you enter the universe of one of these
games, you are no longer Jon (or Jane) Smith, mild-mannered
computer hobbyist. Instead, you become a character in a land of
adventure, doing almost anything you want to.
In the land of Eamon, you will be a member of the select
free adventurers guild, which is made up of hardy individuals
like yourself who want to live by your wits, defeating horrible
monsters and finding glorious treasures. (For those of you who
want a more calm life, you will have to wait for the game
"Adventures in the land of the certified public accountants".)
Unlike most games, there is no single set goal for you to
achieve, no way to 'win' the game. Instead, in Eamon, you have a
lasting goal to both better yourself and also get rich. If you
set for yourself another goal (do good to all princes and
princesses, kill all evil wizards, that sort of thing), you may
also work towards it in your quests.
To run the adventures of Eamon, you need an IBM compatible
computer, one disk drive (in working condition) and at least
256k memory. Also most importantly, a large dose of imagination.
Acknowledgements: Most importantly Donald Brown for this
wonderful game and the Beta testers who helped in the testing
stages and converting/developing new dungeons.
The basic system of Eamon was created and developed by
Donald Brown, converted to other systems by Jon Walker. The
individual adventures were created by various people.
Far away, at the dead center of the Milky Way, is the planet
Eamon. It doesn't orbit any suns-- all of the suns orbit it.
The shifting pulls of all of these great bodies bring strange
forces to bear upon this planet; twisting light, tides, even the
laws of science itself! Strange things happen there, and the
citizens of Eamon must always be adaptable, for things are rarely
what they seem, and even more rarely what they were yesterday!
You are a citizen of this weird world. You are a free man
(or woman) out to seek your fortune in this world of shifting
laws and time. Eamon is a planet that was settled years ago
after the development of hyperdrive by the near mythical
citizens of the mother planet Dirt (or Earth, or whatever). Much
to the delight of some and disgust of others, science does not
work correctly here and magic is an everyday occurrence. Also
due to forces not understood by anyone, Eamon is sort of a
gateway to other worlds and dimensions as well.
Eamon is a medieval setting with monsters such as orcs, trolls,
and dragons (the original inhabitants of this and several other
worlds). But don't let that fool you! At times you may find
yourself fighting such varied opponents as Billy the Kid and
Darth Vader!
Anything can happen, anything at all.
Eamon is a fantasy role-playing game. This means that the
computer will generate a character for you and you will be that
person. You will command your character into fierce battle,
where hopefully he/she will emerge victorious and wealthy.
Obviously, not all characters are equal in ability. Three
numbers (called attributes) describe various parts of your
physical condition. You also will have various abilities with
weapons, which will increase as you gain experience with them,
and learn how to better use them. Additionally, you will be able
to learn some powerful magic spells (of course you will have to
be taught these spells, and the teacher will charge you for the
Eamon is usually non-sexist-- there is full room for both
male and female adventurers. However, for simplicity's sake, an
adventurer will usually be referred to as 'HE'--please understand
that this a proper english pronoun to imply both male and female
indiscriminately (since I hate the use of 'it', 'one', and
As mentioned earlier, three numbers describe the basic
'working material' of your character. They are all gotten by
selecting three random numbers from one to eight and summing
them, thus the numbers can range from three to twenty-four, with
more numbers around twelve to fifteen. (by the way, this is
called 'three die eight' or written as '3D8'. This terminology
comes from older role-playing games where you roll strange dice,
and means roll three eight-sided dice and add). The three
attributes are hardiness, agility, and charisma. Their
descriptions and effects are given below--
Your character's hardiness has two major effects. The most
important is that your hardiness is the number of points of
damage that your body can withstand before you die. In other
words, assume Hedric the horrible is fighting a troll. Hedric
has an HD (hardiness) of 13. The troll swings his battle as (as
described later in the combat section of the manual) and hits
Hedric for 10 points of damage. This brings Hedric down to three
more points of damage before death-- if the troll can hit Hedric
again and do more than two points of damage (before Hedric can go
home and heal himself, or use healing magic), Hedric will die!
The other effect of hardiness is the total weight that you
can carry. The standard measure of weight on Eamon is the grond,
which can be split into ten dos. You can carry up to ten times
your hardiness. Therefore, Hedric can carry up to 130 gronds (or
1300 dos). Note that weight-carrying ability is based on the
characters base hardiness, not the number of hits he has left.
In his unpleasant encounter with the troll, Hedric can still
carry 130 gronds, even though he only has three hits left before
As with all three basic attributes, a character's hardiness
is not normally changed. (unusual magic items or spells might
change them). Thus, a player who starts life as a 90-pound
weakling will remain one until he dies.
The second basic ability is the player's agility
(abbreviated 'AG'). Agility's major effect is in combat--a
player with high agility is more likely hit an opponent.
Agility may also be useful for avoiding special traps (like
falling down a mine shaft) or other special occurrences.
The last basic attribute for the player is his charisma
(abbreviated 'CH'). Charisma is mostly a measure of physical
attractiveness, although it also includes such things as a
forceful manner, pleasant speaking voice, and anything else
that makes people look at you and say, "GEE, WHAT A NICE GUY!"
(or girl). In some ways, charisma may be the most important
attribute, at least for the beginning character. The first major
effect of charisma is on the prices you'll have to pay for goods
and services (or the prices people will pay you). Obviously, if
somebody likes you, he will give you a better price than if you
disgust him.
The second effect of charisma is on how citizens of Eamon
(generically called monsters) will react to you. Not all
monsters are bad--you can sometimes make friends with a few of
them, and their assistance may make the difference between life
and death! Your charisma will affect the chance of their
liking you-- subtract 10 from your charisma, multiply the
difference by 2, and the result adjust the percentage chance or a
favorable reaction from the monster--if there was any chance at
all! Example: The mad hermit of the beginner's cave has a 50%
friendliness rating, which means that Joe Normal with a charisma
of 10 will get to make friends with the hermit one-half of the
time. However, old Hedric the Horrible with his charisma of 5
has only a 40% chance of making friends (5-10= -5 , -5*2= -10).
On the other hand, Lovable Linda with her charisma of 24 has a
78% chance of making friends. Unfortunately a rat with a
friendliness rating of 0% will never be a friend, be it with Joe
Normal, Horrible Hedric, or Lovable Linda.
Being a rough and violent world, combat is the most
important aspect of Eamon. In most adventures, combat is taken
care of on a blow-by-blow method--every player or monster in turn
uses his weapon(s) on one enemy, the effects are calculated, and
then applied.
Every time that a player or monster attempts to strike
someone else, there is a percentage chance of success. The
computer will generate a number from 1 to 100, and if the number
is less than the chance to hit, the blow did strike.
Several factors determine just what that chance to hit is.
If a player has no armour on, there are three factors-- The
player's agility, His ability with that weapon, And the quality
of the weapon (also called the complexity).
Roughly speaking, all weapons in the world of Eamon can be
divided into five types--axes, bows (this includes all thrown
weapons and guns), clubs (or any blunt weapons), spears (or other
pole weapons), and swords. Every player has what are called
'weapon expertise' for each class. All players start at the same
levels: 5% for axes, -10% for bows, 20% for clubs, 10% for spears
and 0% for swords. (These numbers are to reflect the fact that
somebody who doesn't know what he's doing is more likely to hit
with a club than with an arrow.) Your chance of hitting your
target is equal to twice your agility plus your ability for the
weapon you are using, plus the complexity of the weapon you are
using. For example, our old friend Hedric has an agility of 20
and is using a fair quality sword (with a complexity of 0%).
Since he is a starting character, he has a sword ability of 0%.
Thus his chance of hitting is 40+0+0 or 40%.
Weapon expertise can be increased through use in combat.
The scheme goes as follows: assume Hedric is fighting his troll
and scores a successful hit. The question now is, did Hedric
learn anything about how to use his weapon better? Well, it just
so happens that his chance to learn is his chance to have missed.
Thus, 60% of the time Hedric will learn from his blow. If he
does, his sword expertise will go up by 2%. Thus, next time his
chance of hitting will be 42%. (notice that his chance of
learning on the next successful blow is only 58%).
Well, Hedric somehow made it out alive from his troll
battle, and has brought his sword expertise up to 12%. He then
wants to take his booty and new knowledge and get a better
weapon. If Hedric goes and buys a new sword-like weapon, such as
a rapier which has a weapon complexity of 15%, his chance
with it will be 40+12+15 or 67%. However, if he decides to
switch weapons and get a battle axe with a complexity of 15%, his
chance with that will be 40+5+15 or 60%--his experience with
swords will not help him with his axe.
If an attacker is wearing armour, his chance of hitting may
be reduced. After all, one just isn't as agile when one is
fighting from within a tin can! A player may carry a shield,
which will lower the chance to hit by 5%, and may also wear
either leather armour (lowers chance by 10%), chain mail (20%),
or plate armour (60%!). However, these numbers are "worst
cases". A player becomes used to the constricting effect of
wearing armour, and builds an armour expertise (called A). It
is built the same way that weapon expertise is increased-- every
time a successful blow is landed and the effect of armour is
bigger than the player's AE, a check is made on the chance to
miss and that is the chance of the armour expertise going up by
2%. Thus a successful blow may increase the chance to hit by 4%.
Armour expertise is carried over from each type of armour. Thus
if you've bought your AE up to 10% while in leather armour and
you go to chain, you chance to hit will only drop by 10%, not
20%. However, the effect of armour expertise can never increase
the chance to hit--if the AE is 32% and you have leather armour,
the net effect will be 0, not adding 22%.
In addition to agility, weapon expertise, weapon complexity,
and armour, there may be magical or other extraordinary forces at
work that will affect the chance of hitting.
When a blow hits, a random amount of damage is done to the
target. This amount of damage is based on the weapon and will be
given in 'N D N' format. (Remember 3D8 for the three basic
attributes?) This base number of damage is usually lowered by
the armour worn by the defender--leather armour and shield each
take one point of damage, chain takes 2, and plate armour takes
5 points of dame away from that taken on the body (all effects
are cumulative and magical devices may act as armour).
That, of course, is what usually happens. However, due to
flashes of good luck or clumsiness weird things can happen.
About 5% of the time an attacker will get what is called a
'critical hit'. That will get one of the following results (each
result is followed by the percentage chance of its occurrence):
Ignore armour (50%), three-halves normal damage (35%), twice
normal damage (10%), triple normal damage (4%), or an automatic
kill (1%).
About 4% of the time the attacker will fumble with his
weapon. It will have one of the following effects: Recover from
fumble without any other effect (35%), Drop weapon (40%, if the
attacker is using built-in weapons such as claws, the attacker
simply recovers instead), Break weapon (20%, with a 10% chance of
hitting oneself at the same time), Hit self normally (4%), and
hit self with double damage, ignoring armour (1%).
The strange shifting forces around Eamon sometimes give
results that can only be called 'magical'. However, most of
these effects are extremely localized, and will not be consistent
from one adventure to the next. Most often these strange things
will be the special results by carrying magical items, however,
some citizens of Eamon who have lived all of their lives in one
location may have learned how to control the forces around them.
There are, However, four spells that work almost everywhere.
Anyone can be taught these spells without too much difficulty (if
you can find a wizard who will teach them to you!). When you
learn a spell, you will start with a random ability in it from
25% to 75% (you will not know what your ability is). As with
combat experience, this can be increased every time you
successfully cast the spell-- if a random percentage roll is less
than you chance to not have cast it, your ability will go up by
2%. However, there is a catch in casting spells-- Due to the
tiring effects of sending all this power through your body, every
time that you attempt to cast a spell regardless of whether or
not the attempt was successful your chance for the rest of the
adventure is halved. Thus, old Hedric who knows a spell with a
200% ability will always cast it the first time. His second try
will always work (100% of the time). His third try will only
work half (50%) of the time. On the fourth try the chance is
down to 25%, fifth try 12%, and sixth only 6%. Fortunately for
Hedric, however, if you know a spell your chance of successfully
casting it can never be less than 5%, so Hedric can use his spell
for the rest of the adventure at the same odds.
The four basic spells are:
This spell sends a magical burning arrow at your opponent.
Armour will absorb damage from it, but if the spell is
successfully cast it will always hit its target, regardless of
the range. However, the blast spell only works on living (or at
least animate) objects and the targets must be seen by the person
casting it. The arrow will do 1 D 6 of damage (a random number
for one to six).
The heal spell removes hits from the body of the person
casting. It will cure 1 D 10 hits, but never past 0. (Hedric,
having taken five hits, casts a heal spell on himself
successfully. He got a good casting this time--would have cured
8 hits normally, However it only cures five hits on him,
bringing Hedric back up to perfect condition).
This powerful spell will double the caster's agility for
from 10 to 34 turns. You will know when you have cast the spell
successfully, However you may not be told when it wears off. If
you successfully cast a speed spell while one is already in
effect on you, the new spell will reset the time for you-- it
will not have the effect of quadrupling you agility. Obviously,
when you cast the speed spell your chance of hitting goes up
accordingly (Hedric had a 56% chance of hitting with some weapon
before casting the spell, with 40% of that because of his 20
agility. When he casts the speed spell on himself, his chance
will increase by 40% again, giving him a 96% chance of hitting).
The power spell may well be the most powerful spell
available to you, and certainly the most uncertain. It has no
set effect, it's a call to the gods saying "HEY, DO SOMETHING!".
What they do will certainly differ from place to place, and may
even differ from one moment to the next! It could kill all of
your enemies, teleport you randomly somewhere else in the place
you are exploring, cause an earthquake that buries you and your
opponents alive, or anything else you can and cannot think of.
For all of these spells, it should be pointed out that this
is the way they >>>usually<<< work out. In some obscure sections
of the world spells may not drop in ability every time you use
them, in other places spells may not work at all!
There are two places you will be encountering other people
of Eamon, on your adventures and at the main hall of the Guild
of Free Adventurers.
At the main hall, you will be able to communicate with the
various people there and do business. However, they will not do
you any real favors (except possibly giving you good prices on
things if they like you), and you will not be permitted to fight
with anybody there. Essentially, they will be businessmen and
women, out to relieve you of some of your gold while helping
outfit you to go get more.
On the other hand, during your adventures outside of the
main hall, you will not be able to communicate with most of the
people you find. Additionally, they will usually be rather
simple-minded-- when meeting you they will decide if they like
you. If they do like you they will follow you around and fight
on your side during any battles. If they don't like you, they
will try to kill you. These people are rather set in their
ways-- once they make up their mind about you they will usually
keep with their decisions, unless you do something nasty such as
attack a friend, or you do something especially nice, such as
healing an enemy.
However, just because they do or do not like you does not
mean that they will always fight to the bitter end. Some people
or things you encounter will be less courageous (or smarter) than
others and will run from what they view as a losing battle-- both
your enemies and your friends. When someone retreats they
usually kick up a cloud of dust so you cannot see which way they
ran, although they will always only run out of exits that are
really there, and you can usually follow them.
Once again, though, note that all of the statements above
were prefaced by the word 'USUALLY'. In some parts of the world
you may be able to work quite well with others, give orders, get
ideas, even play games with them. As always, the key word is
(Never thought we'd get here, did you?)
To actually run Eamon you must first start the computer and
load in the DOS on your System disk. Now put the Eamon disk
into drive A: and type in...
...and hit the RETURN key.
After you are shown the title pages, you will be almost
ready to enter the main hall. Simply follow directions (for the
sake of your mothers, if nothing else!). If you are new to
Eamon (or your character was killed the last time he went out),
you will be directed to the man in charge of new adventurers.
He will show you what the attributes of your new character are,
and let you read some instruction that are stored on the disk.
If you have this manual, you don't need to read his instruction.
Finally, you will be sent to the main hall, where all old
adventurers go immediately from the Irishman.
The main hall will serve as your headquarters. As a novice
using the Eamon system, your interaction in the Main Hall will be
limited to a few people.
You can buy spells there, as well as weaponry and armour, you can
'check out' yourself and all your attributes and abilities.
You can also keep some money with the banker there. He gives
no interest, but money in the bank is safe if you're robbed on an
adventure. (Of course, you can't use it to ransom yourself
out of a sticky situation, either!).
Of course, the main purpose of the main hall is as a place
to leave from to go on an adventures. Most of your exploits will
be exploring caves and old ruins, doing similar things as in the
popular adventure games. However, Eamon is wide enough to also
have you go to casinos and gamble your money away, raise an army
to fight invaders (both from other countries and from space!), or
do just about any other activity you can think of.
Only one Eamon adventure will be stored on a diskette. To
go on an adventure, work from the main hall as directed,
inserting the diskette with the new adventure into drive A: when
asked to do so. From then on, you're on your own. (Notice:
characters who do not return from adventures are considered dead.
Thus, turning off the computer in the midst of an adventure or
halting it with the break key or 'RESET' merely commits suicide).
To help your character get some gold to equip himself
properly and gather a little bit of experience, one adventure is
included on the master disk-- the Beginners Cave. It's a gentle
little romp through a set of caves underground. I strongly
advise that you send your new character through this first. If
he can't survive this, there's no point in going out to the
dangerous places.
You will have 200 gold pieces when you start a character,
and hopefully more after your adventures. One of the most
important things for you to do with this gold is to buy weapons
and armour. Additionally, you may sometimes want to sell a
weapon, be it because you have no need of it or because you have
reached the legal limit on weapon ownership of four.
Well, Marcos Cavelli owns a small weaponry store in the main
hall that will do this for you. Marcos carries five standard
weapons--an axe, which does 1D6 of damage and has a base price of
25 gold pieces, a bow which does 1D6 and has a base price of 40,
a mace which does 1D4 and has a base price of 20, a spear which
does 1D5 and has a base price of 25, and a sword which does 1D8
and has a base price of 50. For each weapon Marcos sells three
grades of quality--Poor (with a weapon complexity of -10%, but
only half the base price), Medium (with a weapon complexity of
0%, at normal price), and Good (with a weapon complexity of 10%,
at double the base price). Furthermore, the price you are given
can vary from one-third to three times the normal price,
depending upon how your charisma and how Marcos feels about you.
Marcos will also buy old weapons. If it's of a type that he
doesn't sell, Marcos will pay an average of 100 gold pieces for a
weapon. If it is a weapon from his stock, he will pay around 1/4
the normal price.
Marcos' base prices for armour are 50 gold pieces for a
shield, 100 for leather, 200 for chain mail, and 500 for plate
armour. He will also give you a trade-in of your old armour at
its old price, subject to adjustment for the way he feels about
Marcos' credit terms, like all of the businesses in the
hall, are very simple--none.
Hokas Tokas, the local wizard in the main hall, is willing
to teach anybody spells for a price. His base prices for spells
are: Power (100 gold pieces), Heal (1000 gp), Blast (3000 gp),
and Speed (5000 gp). As with Marcos, Hokas will adjust his
prices for how much he likes you, but he will never do anything
to you if you try to buy a spell you can't afford, or try to buy
a spell twice.
Shylock McFenney, the local banker, will open up an account
with anybody. He is absolutely trustworthy with the funds you
leave in his care, although he does not give interest, nor does
he make loans. (He makes enough money from adventurers who
deposit money with him and never come back.)
Unlike most things at the hall, it does not cost you
anything to examine your attributes. It is generally a good idea
to examine your attributes last thing before leaving to go on an
adventure, and write them down--you cannot examine yourself in
the midst of an adventure!
This is simply ending the game. However, your character is
stored on the diskette, so he or she can be called up again the
next time you play. You should only leave the system this way--
otherwise some disk files may be destroyed, and your character
will be trapped forever in the horrible bit bucket!
A few commands you should know about:
N, S, E, W, U, D, NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, UP, and DOWN all will
move you in the direction given if possible.
INVENTORY (or I) will list all of the items you are currently
READY (weapon name) will ready that weapon for action.
GET (item name) will get that item and add it to your
To return to the main hall you must leave the cave, once you
have done so, Sam Slicker (the local dealer of treasure and
booty) will pay you what the are worth (with the price adjusted
for charisma). You will then return to the Main Hall.
That's really about all there is to say about playing Eamon.
Of course, the best way to learn is by starting up a character
and running him through a few adventures. One thing I would like
to warn you about--do not get too attached to any character.
Unfortunately, while wealth and expertise come rather quickly in
this world, so does death.
Setting up and Configuring the diskette
Before using Eamon too much, make a copy all of the files to a
disk which contains the Dos system and command.com file.
The util.exe program on the disk will let you recreate the
character file, beginner cave files, and print out this manual.
One thing that the original Eamon system didn't have to
handle is lower case letters. Normally this should give you no
trouble since there should be conversion logic in the code,
however, if your commands don't work the way you think they
should, check first to see if you are using the proper spelling.
The computer could be asking for upper case or lower case only!
If you liked this adventure and would like a crack at more
of them, look for the Eamon Adventures at your nearest computer,
hobbyist, or book specialty store or send for our price list...
Wisconsin Software Systems
P.O. Box 112
Marshfield, WI 54449
Phone: 715-387-1813
If you wish to make your own adventure, the Dungeon
Designer is available.
Of course more adventures are always on the way. If you
think you have a dungeon (or any other program) that others
would like, contact us directly, we do offer royalties!
Have Fun!